Can you help me with accountability and training at the right intensity?

Yes, just like a Personal Training session, we will know your goals, aspirations and when and how hard to push you. If you’re missing sessions we’ll be there to get you back on track.

I have been hesitant with Group Sessions because I hear people get injured in them?

At OC we celebrate FORM not FATIGUE. Each session we go through technique work so you improve every time you show up. We value technique over weights so your results continue to come long after your short term motivation is gone.

What makes OC Health Clubs so unique?

It’s our culture, service and most of all our programming.

We run 4-week blocks with exercises are specifically chosen to strengthen and lengthen tissues so you lift correctly. By running the same training block for four weeks i.e this Mondays ‘Pull’ workout is the same as next Mondays ‘Pull’ workout you get to know exactly what you’re going to do and how to do it, there’s no anticipation about being hit with those dirty burpees (we NEVER do burpees).

Every 4 weeks the training block adapts and progresses so your body is constantly adapting/improving, no one ever gets bored.

Do you have showers and changing rooms?

Yes, we have 11 showers, full changing room facilities with hairdryers, straighteners, mirrors, hooks and storage so you can get ready to hit that outside world as fastest possible.

I know I need to stretch more but I don’t know how?

Our programming takes every training fault into account and everything we put into a session is there because it needs to be, results are guaranteed, all you have to do is do it.

Personal Training 6 times per week must be expensive?

At OC we have made it extremely affordable, giving you access to over 37 sessions per week from as little as $59 per week.

Is the club available for use outside Group Training Sessions?

Outside Sessions, the club turns into a 1-1 PT Studio for members training with a trainer. We factor in every part of your training with our programming so you won’t actually need to come in by yourself, this may lead to overtraining. If you happen to miss a morning session just come in the afternoon, it’s the same session for that day.