Our 6-Week “Weight Loss Challenge"

In the fitness industry, weight loss is often the headline act. But at OC, we see things differently. We recently embarked on an experiment—advertising a six-week weight loss challenge.

For those familiar with our ethos, you'll know this was quite different to what we would ever do. We don’t usually focus on numbers on the scale, diet culture, or short-term fixes.

Instead, our mission is to cultivate a holistic approach to health and wellness, prioritizing how our members feel, not just how much they weigh.

Why did we do this experiment? It was more of a linguistic strategy. Sometimes, to get the right message across, you need to use familiar language that resonates with people. Words like 'weight loss', 'body fat', and 'transformation' are terms that often motivate individuals to take action and this process is called ‘meeting them, where they are at’.

But here's the fascinating thing we discovered during our consultations: 95% of the time, the goal isn't actually about losing weight. It's about the feelings people hope will accompany it.

When we delve deeper into their goals, it becomes clear that what our members are truly after is a sense of well-being that they associate with weight loss. This realization allows us to educate them, shifting their focus from weight loss to overall health improvement.

By making health the primary goal and developing a training routine that serves their body, we've observed remarkable transformations. Stress levels decrease, deep sleep improves, recovery gets better, and cravings for comfort foods begin to wane.

In this journey, though some members have lost 4, 5kg, or even 8kg, it's only a tiny metric of their success. The real victories are the members who have stopped taking weight loss medication, improved their sleep, started a mindfulness practice, begun to eat more while weighing less, and become more present and energetic for their loved ones.

These transformations extend beyond physical changes. They're about discovery, education, and genuine transformation. They're about changing lives.

As personal trainers, it's our job to guide those who have been misled by the media and diet culture. It's about debunking the myths of 'quick fixes' and 'glow-ups' that promise instant results but rarely last.

We believe education is the cure fo fear, and by prioritizing health, body fat naturally starts to come off, irrespective of what the scale says.

So, as we move forward, you'll hear us returning to our core values: strength, connection, energy, flexibility, and posture. Because at OC, we're not just changing bodies; we're changing lives.

OC Health Clubs